March, 9th-12th 2017 Dynamic Body: DMT through the Laban-Bartenieff lens (Susan Scarth, Julia Morozova-van Steenis).
May 15th-17th 2017 Self-Experience in the method, foundation course. Group 1(Oksana Belova-Orlovskaya).
May 18th-21st 2017. Creative Movement and Dance. DMT with Life limiting Conditions (dementia) (Richard Coaten, UK).
August, 23rd-28th 2017. Theory and practice of group work. & Self-experience in the method,. ( Julia Morozova-van Steenis, Oksana Belova Orlovskaya).
October 26th-29th 2017 Choreographies of interpersonal Relations. Early Development of intersubjectivity, DMT and Attachment Trauma (Rosemarie Samaritter, NL).
December 8th -10th 2017 Self Experience in the method/ Gr 1&2 ( Julia Morozova-van Steenis).
Modules description: